Types of Check Valves Every Factory Should Know About
Industrial valves are of various types, with each performing a unique, distinct function. Check valves are an essential valve type, allowing fluid to flow only through one direction in pipeline systems. So, the essential function of check valves is to prevent back-flow, which can cause damage to pumps and other parts of the system.
Check valves are classified into different types, and knowing about each of these types can help factories shortlist the one that’s most suitable to their pipeline system.
Types of Check Valves
Swing check valve
This type of check valve has a disc that swings on a shaft or hinge. The disc opens and closes to allow or restrict fluid flow and prevent back-flow. Based on the application, swing check valves are available in different sizes. These are widely used in gas pipelines.
Wafer check valve
While swing and wafer check valves are quite similar in their functions, the main difference between these two check valves lies in the design. Wafer check valves are sleeker and more space efficient than swing check valves, so they can be easily installed in areas with less space.
It is also very lightweight and easy to install. This is primarily because unlike swing check valves, wafer check valves do not have to be bolted between flanges.
Feed check valve
This type of valve is used in boilers to regulate water supply to the boiler and prevent water from seeping out of the boiler in case of less or no pump pressure. This way, a feed check valve ensures that water flows in one direction in a boiler.
This valve is installed in the water space just below the normal level of water and comprises a water-inlet pipe, a non-return valve, a spindle wheel, and outlet pipe, and a wheel and gland.
Hydraulic check valve
As the name suggests, this check valve is used in hydraulic pumps to regulate fluid flow and prevent reverse flow. A hydraulic check valve is typically located downstream of a hydraulic pump and is used to block a fluid from entering a certain part of the circuit at the wrong time. It is also used to bypass a clogged filter.
Check valves play an important role in preventing back-flow of fluids and helping factories reduce their repair and maintenance costs. They also help ensure safety in factory and manufacturing unit premises. We at Brosco produce high-quality PVC and other check valves of different types, assisting our clients with installation and maintenance. Click here to connect with us and get the price list for dual plate and other check valves.